One-to-one on-farm clinics

Our one-to-one clinics are fully-funded advice clinics on the topics listed below. Each Farming Connect registered business is eligible to apply for up to two clinics*. Clinics will be delivered by independent consultants and all advice will be confidential.

Each business will receive a clinic report including the following:

  • Introduction to the topic
  • Results of the visit
  • Recommendation(s) for improvement

To be eligible for the on-farm clinics the business must be registered with Farming Connect and have a CRN, CPH and a minimum of 3 hectares


Diversification - To attain advice on how to start a diversification project and an opportunity to discuss different diversification ideas as well as developing ideas that are already in process.

Marketing & Social Media - To gain support on marketing a current business, understanding the different marketing methods, how to reach new target audiences/customers, branding advice and social media marketing.

Control of Agricultural Pollution Paperwork Support (CoAP Paperwork Support) - This clinic provides support and guidance for businesses who have attempted to complete paperwork but who have queries, outstanding elements they may need guidance with. Consultants are not to complete the workbook on their behalf.

If you would like to register your interest in the Farming Connect one-to-one clinics, please complete the form below.

*There is a maximum of 2 clinics per business - either Diversification or Marketing and Social Media and CoAP Paperwork Support.

To apply complete the expression of interest form below or contact your local development officer for more information

Contact Details
This number will be used to contact you to arrange sampling/visit.
This will be used to email the clinic’s report.
Use the following format - 00/000/0000
Please choose clinics from the list below:
Please choose clinics from the list below:
*There is a maximum of 2 clinics per business - either Diversification or Marketing and Social Media and CoAP Paperwork Support.
Soils Type
Soils Type
Which of the following would you like the water tested for? Tick as appropriate:
Which of the following would you like the water tested for? Tick as appropriate: