8 June 2022


Innovations that help farm businesses increase production whilst reducing agriculture’s negative impact on the environment will be showcased at a Farming Connect event at the Royal Welsh Showground in June.

New developments and fresh ways of working will feature at Innovation and Diversification 2022, an event that will pull together products and services that help farm businesses deliver professionally run, profitable and sustainable systems.

Eirwen Williams, of Menter a Busnes, which delivers the Farming Connect programme on behalf of the Welsh Government, says farming, like any other businesses, cannot stand still.  

“Farmers must be open to new ideas, new developments and new ways of working,’’ she says.

Many of those developments will be showcased at the event on 15 June.

Visitors will see innovations that enable the livestock sector to strengthen performance and improve productivity and technologies that increase sustainability by allowing farmers to save time and money, increase outputs and reduce their carbon footprint.

There will be support, guidance, training and practical demonstrations to help farmers prepare their business for the future.

Exhibitors will include Blade Farming, Lely and Farmplan.

The event will also feature seminars with speakers including farmer and YouTuber Tom Pemberton, Ben Taylor-Davies, the farmer and regenerative agriculture consultant known as 'RegenBen', Farmers Weekly’s 2020 Grassland Manager Award finalist, Sam Carey, and Christian Nightingale, of Lely.

Innovation and Diversification 2022 will run from 10am to 5pm and entry is free.

Farming Connect, which is delivered by Menter a Busnes and Lantra, has received funding through the Welsh Government Rural Communities - Rural Development Programme 2014-2020, which is funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the Welsh Government.

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