Bio-chemical control of chocolate spot in spring beans

Project will evaluate the feasibility of growing spring beans as a protein crop for dairy cows with the aim of eliminating the import of soya. Chocolate spot is a common fungal disease and the project will investigate the feasibility of using bio-chemical control mitigating the purchasing of herbicides and other pesticides, and to maintain field biodiversity. The project will also assess if the spring beans which flower in June provide an additional food source for pollinators. Data will be collected on crop yield, disease level, protein analysis, and biodiversity audit. This TOF will contribute to the Sustainable Land Management outcomes including:

  • Resilient and productive farms 
  • Reduce, reuse and recycle inputs, nutrients and waste 
  • Reduce on farm emissions and maximise carbon sequestration 
  • Protect and enhance the farm ecosystem 
  • Benefit people, animals and places