Project update (February 2020) - Cefnllan: Managing the change; sucklers to dairy beef

Farmax is a decision support software that is used in the project to assist with planning ahead and making important management decisions.  Below are a series of graphs and tables, comparing the suckler enterprise against the new enterprise of rearing and finishing spring bought Angus cross calves.

Table 1. shows the estimated supply of grass under the original grass management regime at Cefnllan versus the demand of the suckler herd.

Table 2. shows the estimated supply of grass under the newly established rotational grazing management of grass versus the demand of the Angus cross calves.


Table 3. shows the estimated grass quality under the original grass management regime at Cefnllan with the suckler herd.


Table 4. shows the potential grass quality under the newly established rotational grazing management of grass with the Angus cross calves.


Table 5. shows the estimated pasture growth under the original grass management regime at Cefnllan with the suckler herd.


Table 6. shows the potential pasture growth under the newly established rotational grazing management of grass with the Angus cross calves.


From these tables it is clear to see that, compared to the suckler cow enterprise (on a set-stocked system), the calf rearing and finishing enterprise (on a rotational grazing system) utilises the grass in a more efficient way, as well as keeping quality in the grass.