Ty Draw Project Introduction: Quantifying the impact of technical advice: a review of the business performance following year-on-year management changes

Site: Ty Draw, Llanasa, Holywell, Flintshire

Technical Officer: Non Williams

Project Title: Quantifying the impact of technical advice: a review of the business performance following year-on-year management changes


Introduction to project: 

Several management changes have been implemented at Ty Draw over recent years. These have taken place as the result of receiving technical advice from a number of consultants and specialists, the majority of which were originally obtained via Farming Connect services. The changes adopted targeted several aspects of the farm business, and included optimising livestock nutrition via diet changes, improving grasslands and making adjustments to livestock housing. These modifications have resulted in both physical and financial improvements to the business. Quantifying the effect of such changes is very meaningful in order to share best practices within the industry on the farm level.

Here, we will ‘look back to look forward’, by reviewing the changes made to the business as a result of specialists’ advice, and their implications from a financial and performance viewpoint at Ty Draw.


Project objectives:

The aim of this project will be to review the changes made by quantifying the economical savings, as well as their effect on animal performance and forage quality. This will provide concrete figures on the implications of the changes on the business’ profitability and sustainability.

The project objectives are as follows:

  • Determine the implications of improving grassland across the farm via precise lime and fertiliser application, and reseeding with a five to six-year cutting and grazing mixture (on grazing period and silage quality).
  • Quantify the cost-benefits of feeding a complete diet to the ewes pre-lambing (from a financial and performance perspective)
  • Assess the effect of making minor adjustments to the cattle housing on their health and performance (DLWG)

Key Performance Indicators Set:

Due to the nature of this project (a desktop analysis), it is infeasible to set specific key performance indicators. One benefit of undertaking this work will be to demonstrate a set of quantifiable measurements that have been achieved as the result of individual management changes (based on improved silage quality, reduced costs, improved flock performance and so forth).


Timeline and Milestones: