Using technology to complete the proposed Sustainable Farming Scheme Universal Actions

With the Sustainable Farming Scheme on the horizon, Marc, Wynn and Bethan want to explore how they can qualify for the scheme by completing the proposed Universal Actions.

Keeping accurate records is one element they would like to explore, but doing so in a way that does not take up too much time away from the day to day running of the farm. The latest technology will therefore be used to capture, store and present data in a way that benefits the farming business, whilst also helping them to comply with the proposed universal actions, specifically;

  • UA 3 - Soil Health Planning
  • UA 5 - Integrated Pest Management
  • UA 11 -  Hedgerow Management

Information such as detailed soil analysis, earth observations to identify areas of interest, combined with ground-truthing field surveys backed up by localised GNSS enabled readings with Geo-tagged photographic evidence will all be captured using the app.

The project will contribute to achieving the following Sustainable Land Management outcomes:

  • reduce the farms greenhouse gas emissions
  • support improvement in maximising carbon storage and sequestration whilst reducing the whole-farm carbon footprint
  • maintain and enhance the ecosystem