Embedding Enterprise - Teacher Support Resources

Enterprise education is an essential part of the primary curriculum in Wales. A key purpose of every school’s curriculum is to support children to be enterprising, creative contributors, ready to play a full part in life and work.

Developed by the Enterprise Troopers Team, on behalf of the Welsh Government, working closely with experienced teachers from schools with a successful record of embedding enterprise education, the Enterprise Troopers Teacher Support Resources are designed to help introduce and embed enterprise education into your curriculum and to encourage your pupils to develop an entrepreneurial mind-set.

The Teacher Support Resources can be used to:

  • Raise awareness of the benefits of embedding enterprise
  • Provide ideas and examples of effective practice when implementing entrepreneurship.

They consist of four PowerPoint presentations, namely:

  • Approaches to delivering a broad and balanced enterprise curriculum
  • Creating an Enterprise Pupil Voice Team
  • Developing Creative Contributors with Lower Primary Children
  • The Big Idea – Taking it Step by Step

And four embedding enterprise in the curriculum school case studies from:

  • Ysgol Gynradd Llanrhaeadr Ym Mochnant, Powys
  • Morriston Primary school, Swansea
  • Raglan CIW VC Primary, Monmouthshire
  • Welshpool Primary School, Powys

Embedding Enterprise Routemaps 

Case Studies