Resources for Upper Primary

Image of Callum - Supporting the Curriculum

Enterprise Learning Activities for Upper Primary Pupils (7 to 11 year olds)

  Activity Learning Objective



1 What should we do? To generate ideas for an enterprise project.

Enterprise Troopers Glossary

My Enterprise Troopers Checklist

2 Who shall we speak to? To develop research and planning skills. How to Involve Local Businesses
3 What did we find out? To gather enterprise information by asking questions  
4 Can we plan? To enable pupils to develop simple planning and presentation skills. Enterprise Troopers Action Plan
5 Who is best at?

To encourage pupils to develop decision making skills.

To encourage pupils to gain an understanding of enterprise roles and responsibilities

Enterprise Key Words
6 What shall we call ourselves? To encourage innovation and ideas generation.  
7 What do people want? To help develop research and communication skills  
8 How can we advertise? To encourage pupils to think creatively.

'Creating an Advert' Checklist

9 How do we make it? To provide an opportunity for pupils to work with others to create a suitable product  
10 Can we sell it? To provide an opportunity for pupils to work together to solve problems and develop innovative solutions. Key Financial Words
11 We can do it To carry out and complete an enterprise task using a range of organisation skills.  
12 How did we do? To evaluate the success of the enterprise and the role played by those who worked for it. My Evaluation Checklist