Alaw Medi Morgan

Caernarfon, Gwynedd

Alaw Medi Morgan lives on a beef farm just outside Caernarfon. Alaw has been involved in every aspect of farm life from a young age, working alongside her parents with the Limousin cattle herd and, for a time, a flock of Blue Texel sheep.

Alaw is an active member of Caernarfon YFC. Through the club, Alaw regularly participates in stock judging and public speaking competitions, achieving recognition at county level and even representing Eryri at the Royal Welsh Showground. 

Ultimately, Alaw would like to become a veterinarian. To set the foundations for this, Alaw has chosen to study A-level Biology, Chemistry, and Mathematics and has started a research project on the efficiency of TB testing in cattle. Alaw has also been busy gaining work experience at her local veterinary surgery.

In the next 10-15 years, Alaw hopes to secure a position at a local veterinary surgery while also continuing to work alongside her father on the family farm. She sees the Junior Academy as a valuable opportunity to gain experience on various farm systems across Wales and further afield.

Alaw’s interesting fact is that she once won a National horse judging competition despite never having owned a horse!