Nela Dafydd

Machynlleth, Powys

Nela from Machynlleth, is currently studying A-Level Biology, Chemistry and Business at Ysgol Penweddig. Having chosen her A-level subjects with a career in the Agricultural sector in mind, Nela is committed to carving out a career that will enable her to combine her professional ambitions with running the family farm. Although undecided, a career in Veterinary Science does appeal to Nela but she is also drawn to Soil Biology and crop research. Ultimately, Nela is eager to stay firmly rooted in her rural community and will seek out a career that allows her to earn a living while also supporting her local community. 

Nela is the Managing Director of the company 'Llanw' which has been established as part of the Young Enterprise competition. The company won the local round, as well as the Wales round before they went on to win in Britain, and so the team will fly to Sicily at the beginning of July to represent Britain in the European round.

In her spare time, Nela plays for Machynlleth rugby club’s women's team and is a member of the Bro Ddyfi YFC and particularly enjoys public speaking competitions, recently representing Montgomeryshire where she came second.

Recognising the need to explore her options regarding her career path, Nela will seek inspiration from the Agri Academy alumni and hopes to make connections with others who share the same passions. Nela says that her greatest wish is to take every opportunity given to her in order to have no regrets in the future.