Improving energy efficiency of intensive poultry units

Jodie Roberts, Pigs and Poultry Technical Officer

Initial project findings

Energy Audit

An energy audit was carried out on farm by Chris Brookes, Westflight Ltd. The audit used Rogowski coils which were wrapped around each of the L1, L2 and L3 tails supplying the main distribution board connected to the data logger. Figure 1 shows the data logger in use.

The energy consumption was recorded over 6 days. The graph below shows the energy demand over a 24hour period. The graph indicates the energy required throughout a usual working day and when energy demand is at its greatest. For instance, when feed motors are initiated and when egg packing commences the power increases which is shown on the graph. This is used to understand the energy required to complete daily tasks.



Energy load distribution was also investigated and it was found that L1 supplied 37.1% of the load, L2 supplied 34.1% of the load and L3 supplied 28.8% of the load. Load management can influence supply of power at a constant voltage and therefore it is important where possible to balance energy demand evenly across the loads.

The report found that the cost of energy for the unit stood at £0.278 pence per bird over a 12 month period.



  • A profile class of 00 shows that meters are read half hourly which allows multi rate tariffs to be used. Negotiating multi rate energy tariffs could lead to energy cost savings.
  • Good electricity hygiene will ensure that wastage is minimised. For example, this can be accomplished through switching lights and machines which are not in use off and at a more advanced level consider a reduction of the run time of motors and feed belts within the unit.
  • Lighting of the building should also be considered to changing from standard fluorescent lighting to LED which would reduce the energy consumption.
  • Ventilation fans can be a significant proportion of electricity consumption during summer months and therefore ensuring that thermostat settings are optimised and working correctly will reduce the risk of increases costs.