30 October 2023


Wales’s ambitious goal of reaching net zero by 2050 is going to require some changes to agricultural practices, including improving herd and flock health, performance and productivity.

With that in mind, Farming Connect is delivering fully funded workshops, delivered by local vet practices in preparation for the introduction of Wales’s new flagship Sustainable Farming Scheme (SFS).

These will help beef, dairy and sheep farmers understand the top actions they can take to achieve emission targets.

All three workshops will focus on the Animal Health Improvement Cycle (AHIC) - a process designed to drive the productivity, profitability and sustainability of a livestock business by optimising animal health and welfare.

They will have a central theme of how data collection and benchmarking can be used to assess progress, and how this can help farmers to reduce their carbon footprint.

Collaboration between the farmer and their vet and how this can be a key to success will also be explored, says Becky Summons, Farming Connect Animal Health and Welfare (AH&W) and E-learning Manager.

“Workshop attendees will also gain and understanding of the environmental benefits of good herd and flock management,’’ she says.

These workshops are fully funded, but to qualify for that funding, all attendees must be registered with Farming Connect and complete a Personal Development Plan (PDP).

Workshop attendance will be logged on the attendee's 'Storfa Sgiliau' CPD record and they will receive a Lantra Awards’ 'certificate of attendance'.

Contact your local development officer or visit the Farming Connect website to find out more.

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