Farming Connect and Hybu Cig Cymru (HCC) have joined forces to arrange a series of events to improve lamb finishing by focusing on reducing the days to slaughter which is a key driver in sheep farm profitability. 

There are a number of factors that affect lamb finishing including market requirements, grazing management and animal health. Monitoring growth rates by weighing regularly provides valuable information that can be used as an early indicator of animal health or nutritional issues. Using the latest EID technology systems is a useful and efficient way of collecting this information to help improve profitability.

According to Eirwen Williams, Farming Connect “there are numerous factors which affect lamb finishing efficiency including effective worm control. Studies have shown that drench resistance is posing a big problem and there are variations from farm to farm.”

James Ruggeri, Industry Development Executive at HCC said: “Understanding market requirements and setting a target market should be the first consideration for any lamb producer. This should then be followed by matching the right genetics and finishing system to meet the target market.”

In 2014 and 2015 HCC’s Wales Against Anthelmintic Resistance Development (WAARD) project found that 34% of participating farms had resistance to two of the four groups of drenches tested, 28% had triple resistance and 15% had resistance to them all.

Good grazing management, contamination mapping and adopting sustainable parasite control principles can help reduce reliance on anthelmintics and improve flock performance.

The on-farm and evening events are open to everyone and will include contributions from Farming Connect Red Meat Technical Officers along with HCC Industry Development Executives and drench resistance project deliverers.


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