News and Events
3. Climate change in grass-based agricultural systems: approaches for mitigation
Take home messages:
- Climate change offers an enormous challenge to UK agricultural systems
- Agriculture is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, but could also offer opportunities to reduce the impact of climate change.
- Modifying current agricultural practice to mitigate...
FC - Issue 8
Below is the 8th issue of Farming Connect’s technical publication for farmers and foresters in Wales.
Published bi-monthly, it includes easy to digest facts and figures about a range of technical matters, along with the latest information and research from...
Staff Management - attracting and retaining good people
During a series of joint Farming Connect and AHDB Dairy meetings across Wales, facilitated by Jamie McCoy, Dairy Technical Officer at Farming Connect, it was calculated that the cost of replacing a staff member in a £30,000 a year role can be...
Reserve a place at your nearest ‘Farming for the future’ roadshow!
Click here to book a place for the upcoming 2020 events.
As Brexit and its implications are debated daily by politicians and business people throughout the world, there is one thing everyone is broadly agreed upon! We are entering...
Case Study: Nant Goch Mastitis Control
Cutting the rate of new clinical mastitis cases reduces antibiotic use and helps dairy farm save £55,000 a year.
A WELSH dairy farm is saving a staggering £55,000 a year on cases of clinical mastitis, compared to a few years...
Diary Marker: Efficient Milking Routines 12/04/2017
SIMPLE steps to make milking more efficient could save you time and money. A Farming Connect Focus Site project at Ffosyficer, Abercych, focusing on issues such as regularly calibrating milking equipment has highlighted possible savings of £30,000 a year.
Focus on a dairy discussion group from the South East
There are a diverse range of dairy farmers in this group who have the common aim and objective of trying to improve herd fertility performance. Poor dairy fertility is the most common inefficiency on dairy units and has a direct...
Assessing milking routines at Ffosyficer
Simple milking parlour adjustments costing just 50p a cow are helping a Pembrokeshire dairy farming partnership improve teat hygiene and milk quality, and reduce annual concentrate costs by up to £30,345.
The Harris family milk 350 Holstein Friesian grazing-type cows...