
Farming Connect has a team of mentors who will be able to support and challenge  their peers on a wide range of topics.


Who is this for?

The mentoring programme is targeted at farmers and foresters of every age and business status, including:

  • new entrants
  • businesses considering significant strategic change in direction (diversification, added value, expansion, new enterprises)
  • individuals looking to exit the industry

The service is also available to individuals looking for a second opinion, sounding board and support with day to day business challenges.

What does it include?

Eligible mentees can access 15 hours of fully funded mentoring sessions with their chosen mentor. You may communicate via face-to-face visits, telephone conversations, video calling or email exchange. 

Where does this take place?

The Farming Connect Mentors come from all corners of Wales. You could either select a mentor who is local to your region or go further afield and choose someone from a different area. Once your application has been approved, you can arrange your first meeting - you can either visit them or invite them to visit you.

Why would I want a Mentor?

Our Mentors have ‘been there, done that’ and can develop relationships based on mutual trust and respect. They will be able to share their knowledge, experience, and impartial views to help you identify your goals and fulfil your potential. It's an opportunity to develop communication skills, to listen, learn and expand your viewpoints which in turn may help you find new ways to approach new situations and deal with challenges.

Select your mentor

Our Mentor Directory is the main ‘shop window’ enabling you to browse the list of profiles until you identify a mentor with the background and credentials you feel can best support you. You can then complete the Mentoring Programme application form. Farming Connect will inform your selected Mentor and give them your contact details

Click here to view our Mentor Booklet.