Bev Hopkins

Name: Bev Hopkins


Mobile:  07891 570180

Location:  Ceredigion & Pembrokeshire

Specialism(s) Animal health & welfare; training and presentational skills

Relevant experience, skills, qualifications


  • An experienced veterinary researcher and university lecturer, Bev Hopkins is an acknowledged expert in her specialist field of animal health and diseases. 
  • Fluent in both Welsh and English, this busy working wife and mum currently holds two high-profile posts within the Welsh animal health sector.  For three days a week she is based at the Wales Veterinary Science Centre, where she carries out surveillance post-mortem examinations and advises vets in practice on diagnostic testing. As part of this role, she also lectures at Aberystwyth University and runs CPD courses for veterinary surgeons.  One day a week she works at the Centre of Excellence for Bovine TB at Aberystwyth University where she co-leads on the Bovine TB Pembrokeshire Project.
  • Bev has more than 16 years of working at a senior level in both academia and for government agencies in Wales, where she has acquired vast experience and expertise in animal health and welfare topics. Her specialisms are pathology, surveillance, diagnostics and epidemiology.  
  • Passionate about supporting young people, Bev also volunteers with Girlguiding     Ceredigion, where her training, lecturing and presentational skills are in demand     leading groups of ‘Rainbows’, ‘Guides’ and ‘Rangers’ up to 18 years old.  
  • She now has yet another string to her bow – the phrase ‘ask a busy person’ comes to     mind!  Bev is also a Farming Connect Agrisgôp leader, facilitating a group of beef and     dairy farmers all determined to learn how best to tackle Bovine TB head-on. Through     regular meetings, members of the group share ideas on biosecurity best practice     and     are learning how to understand and manage ‘risk rates’ for Bovine TB and other     prevalent farm diseases.  Farm study visits to observe ‘best practice’ in action and     invited specialist guest speakers are planned.  
  • Bev’s philosophy is that by helping upskill farmers on the subject of Bovine TB, they     no longer have such a fatalistic attitude or preconceived ideas that nothing can be     done to avoid it.  Through her role with the Bovine TB Pembrokeshire Project  - a two year initiative funded by the Welsh Government – Bev already works alongside a group of vets, farmers and academics, and says that feedback from her Agrisgôp     members is proving hugely valuable with the outcomes from group discussions and     questions already influencing areas for further research. 
  • Join an Agrisgôp group led by Bev and expect to be better informed, better prepared     and better able to manage and possibly prevent animal diseases that could affect     your livestock. 

Relevant qualifications/achievements/experience

  • Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Authority – 2023
  • Presentation skills training course provided by Civil Service Learning - 2015 
  • First aid trainer course provided by St John’s Ambulance - 2011 
  • Train the trainer course provided by Civil Service Learning - 2010 
  • The Royal Veterinary College - BVetMed October 2008

Current/previous roles: 

  • Veterinary Research Associate – Aberystwyth University, October 2023 to date
  • Veterinary Investigation officer & Pathology Manager at the Wales Veterinary Science Centre, October 2018 to date
  • Veterinary Investigation Officer for APHA Carmarthen VI Centre, 2015 – 2018
  • Veterinary roles within Animal Health (AHVLA & APHA), 2008 – 2015