Farmers and foresters registered with the new Farming Connect programme can apply online for up to 80% funding for short, accredited training courses available through ‘Invest in Skills & Mentoring’, Farming Connect’s innovative new lifelong learning and development programme. Farming Connect is funded by the Welsh Government and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.

This application window will be open from 1 June to 30 June 2016.

The new programme is being delivered by Lantra Wales on behalf of Farming Connect. Director of Lantra Wales, Kevin Thomas, said today that take up of the new programme is already exceeding expectations with more than 1,000 individuals having been allocated training places. He emphasised that application forms for funding can only be submitted online.

“There is a simple process to go through before you can apply which involves completing an online Personal Development Plan (PDP). You must have already registered with the new Farming Connect programme and have received your individual Farming Connect registration number before you can complete your PDP.

“More than 1350 individuals have now signed up for PDPs. Having a PDP will provide you with a baseline which sets out your current level of knowledge and will assist you with identifying future training needs both short and longer term," said Mr Thomas.

Anyone who requires assistance in completing their PDPs can drop into a series of workshops that are set up pan Wales - dates and venues can be accessed via the Farming Connect website PDP page.

Anyone planning to apply for funding for completing a machinery and equipment use related course will need to complete Farming Connect’s free online Health and Safety course first.

Application forms, together with a list of Farming Connect accredited training courses and approved training providers, information on the new range of e-learning courses and guidance on completing a Personal Development Plan are all available on the Farming Connect website Training page.

Anyone planning to apply for training must speak to their selected training provider first, in order to obtain the correct course costs which need to be included on the application form.

You can also find out more information about the new programme and how it can benefit you, together with contact details of your local Farming Connect development officer who will provide any support and guidance you might require on the Farming Connect website.

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