Personal Development Plan (PDP)

…identify your training goals


Complete a PDP

Your PDP will enable you to select courses which will strengthen your skills and help you develop your business.  Identifying your training goals is an important part of this process.


Your PDP will help you …

  • record current qualifications and skills
  • identify your training goals
  • set out your long term objectives and short term goals
  • identify which training courses will help you improve existing skills or learn new ones


You cannot apply for skills funding without completing a PDP.  You should always…

  • ensure your PDP is up to date
  • use your PDP as a tool to help you identify the skills you need
  • ensure you set out a relevant goal for each course you apply for

NB Once a PDP is created you will never need to create a new one, just update what you have.


Farming Connect has published a useful ‘step by step’ guidance booklet which will take you through the complete application process, including accessing BOSS and completing a PDP. View here or contact us to request a copy.


How to complete a PDP

  • Log in to BOSS via Sign on Cymru or click the ‘Log into BOSS’ at the top right hand corner of the Farming Connect website homepage (this will take you directly to the BOSS Sign on Cymru log in page).
  • (For step by step instructions on how to access BOSS via Sign on Cymru - please click here or watch the video below)
  • Select the PDP tile on the BOSS homepage
  • Complete all fields in the Overview tab and Courses tab
  • Click ‘Add a course
  • Select a category at the bottom of the web page
  • Click ‘Add this course’ for each course you wish to apply for (it will then appear in your list of selected courses)
  • Click on the course to see the description and link to the relevant training course page on the Farming Connect website. This link will open a new tab at the top of your page and will include all the details you require on the course(s) you wish to apply for
  • Complete all fields in the ‘Goals’ tab. Click ‘Add a goal’ as appropriate
  • Complete all the fields you see on your screen. Click ‘Save’ you have now completed your goals


PDP - one to one support

If you need help to complete a PDP and apply for funded training both your local Farming Connect development officer or selected training provider can provide support over the phone.

  • For development officer contact details click here
  • To view all available courses click here
  • For individual training provider contact details click on your selected course title