Training Courses
Farming Connect skills funding.
...develop your skills, develop your business
- All training courses subsidised by up to 80% for registered individuals
- Wide range of short courses available, categorised under ‘Business’,‘Land’, 'Land - machinery and equipment' and ‘Livestock’
- Network of approved training providers located throughout Wales
Applying for Farming Connect skills and training is largely an online process but you can access one-to-one help and support at any stage you might need it.
For more information on future support available please contact …
✔ your local Farming Connect development officer…or
✔ your selected training provider…or
✔ the Farming Connect Service Centre on 03456 000 813
✔ Follow the online step-by-step guide
Applications will be approved on a monthly basis and you will be notified within 10 working days.
Rydym yn croesawu galwadau yn Gymraeg. We welcome calls in Welsh.
Are you registered as an individual with Farming Connect?
Please note: if you are not already personally registered with an individual email address and you plan to apply for funded training please contact the Farming Connect Service Centre on 03456 000 813.
Please note you will be notified the results of your funding application on or around the 14th of the following month.
Pesticide Update | Important Plant Protection Product (PPP) Update
Please click here to view/download Training Courses February 2025
After completing ‘Business planning and development’ and ‘Marketing your business’ training courses, Steve had the confidence to launch his new online and delivery-based business, Pembrokeshire Lamb, and he’s now selling boxes of his quality ‘gate to plate’ lamb, hogget and mutton directly to customers.