Andrew Rees

Moor Farm, Walwyns Castle, Haverfordwest


Main Objectives

  • Improve profitability and business resilience under current market conditions.
  • Build a business fit for the future and continue to develop infrastructure, technology and innovation where appropriate returns justify the investment.
  • Encourage high-level farmer to farmer knowledge exchange and information sharing, and act on information learnt through benchmarking for the benefit of the business.
  • Develop further the efficacy of the grass production system, and turn grass into income.
  • Five year targets: complete business succession, £1,000/ Ha Comparable Farm Profit (before depreciation, rent and finance but after unpaid labour), develop a time efficient system that allows a good work-life balance for owner and staff, and ENJOY IT!

Moor Farm Facts

Demonstration Site Project


“By becoming a Farming Connect Demonstration Site, I would like to be able to improve the profitability of the farm long-term, ensuring the business is abreast of new industry developments, responsive to market conditions and seek overall improvements to efficiency.’’ 

– Andrew Rees

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