Could iceberg disease be hindering your flock performance?

Thirty-five sheep farms, with the guidance from Flock Health Ltd, are investigating reasons for thin ewes within flocks, despite receiving adequate nutrition. Their aim is to investigate whether Iceberg diseases are playing a significant role or whether more common issues such as broken mouths/poor teeth and parasites are the cause.

Iceberg diseases are diseases which result in sick sheep or perhaps more frequently, subclinical disease, where the only visible signs are poor performance and ill-thrift. Animals showing signs may be the tip of the iceberg, as for every visibly infected animal, the flock will contain numerous non-visible animals or carriers of the disease.

Within the project, farmers will provide information on flock physical performance data for the year 2023 and the age structure of the flock. They will also undertake a ‘thin ewe screen’ where 12 ewes in the oldest age group will be screened for Maedi Visa, Ovine Johne’s Disease, CLA (Caseous lymphadenitis) and pooled fluke Faecal Egg Count (FEC).

Project outcome:

  • Participating sheep flocks - provide them with information on possible causes of ill-thrift on their farms. This should enable them to put measures in place to reduce the impact of the causes of ill thrift. This will result in better sheep health and welfare and improved productivity.
  • For the national sheep flock – provide information on the possible causes of ill thrift in the national flock and particularly on any possible role of iceberg diseases.