Sheep greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) - What-if?

The Welsh Government has set a target to achieve net zero GHG emissions by 2050. Reducing farm GHG emissions is a Sustainable Land Management objective and involves taking a fresh look at the whole system. Making reductions in GHG emissions can be achieved while maintaining and often improving farm profitability. 

This project aims to empower Welsh sheep farmers to understand and minimise their flock’s green house gas emissions. By utilising the “What-If” tool and collaborating within discussion groups, farmers can gain valuable insights and implement strategies to reduce their environmental footprint. 

A total of 116 farmers have participated in an entry survey to gain insight into their current interest and understanding of greenhouse gas emissions. Results can be seen below, with 1 scoring low and 10 being high. 


Nineteen farmers, with guidance from Flock Health Ltd, will be undertaking further data collection and inputting via the Map of Ag “What if” tool via an online app. This online tool allows farmers to: 

  • Conduct customised analysis by adjusting various parameters specific to their farm.
  • Explore different scenarios related to feed types, manure management, grazing practices, stocking densities, fertilisers, and nutrient management.

The “What if” tool will determine whether they can identify activities that can reduce flock GHG emissions in the future. Once they have the information via the online app, farmers will be asked to identify key areas on their farm for GHG emission reduction and set individual SMART goals.

Once data collection and input are complete, participants will reap the following benefits -

  • Gain insights into their farm’s specific GHG footprint.
  • Explore potential emission reduction strategies. 
  • Set achievable goals for improving their farm’s sustainability. 
  • Contribute to a collaborative effort in minimising the Welsh sheep industry’s environmental impact.