Project update (April 2020) - Cefnllan: Managing the change; sucklers to dairy beef

36 Angus calves have been weighed and turned out to grass, weighing an average of 260kg. 




An electric fence was erected around 1/3 of the way into the field where the calves were turned out, to start introducing them to the electric fence.  These 36 calves were bought last year as a ‘trial-run’ before another 100 calves arrive on farm in a few weeks’ time.


100 weanling Angus cross dairy calves arrived at Cefnllan at the end of April, 2020, weighing an average of 140kg.  The calves have all been electronically tagged on arrival at Cefnllan, to ensure precision monitoring of each individual calf when weighing monthly.  


The new arrivals at Cefnllan (video showing calves running across bridge).



Softwares such as AgriNet, Farmax and FarmIT are being used to ensure that all collected data (growth rates, grass measurements etc.) will be recorded and utilised in the most efficient way.  The calves have gone straight into the new rotational grazing platform that’s been set up through the project.  Neil is measuring all farm cover fortnightly, with the average all farm cover of 19th May being 1741kgDM/Ha.  The lack of grass is due to the lack of rainfall and soil moisture that we’ve been seeing recently, fingers crossed for some rain soon.


Video – sub-division of fields at Cefnllan for calves rotational grazing.



Next steps?

  • Weigh calves monthly to closely monitor daily liveweight gains (DLWG).
  • Measure all farm cover across the farm on a fortnightly basis to ensure optimum grass utilisation along the rotational grazing platform.