A 2 day course – offered by Embryonics Ltd

This is a course aimed at non-veterinarians who wish to learn the art or pregnancy diagnosis for own farm use or as a commercial enterprise, the course covers:

  • Bio-security
  • Scanning technique – sector and curve/linear
  • Theory of Ultrasonography
  • Image identification
  • Setting up of equipment
  • Anatomy and physiology of the sheep
  • Identifying the number of lambs present and any irregularities
  • Ageing of the pregnancy
  • This course is suitable for new users and for those that have scanned before but would like to refresh they’re knowledge and skills

Please note that the outline, duration and image for each course are a guide only. Please contact the training provider for more information.


The following Training Providers are available to deliver this course:

Embryonics Ltd

Contact name:
Stella Rutter

Telephone number:
01606 854411

Email address:

Website address:

Postal address:
Mere House Farm, Weaverham, Northwich,

Area covered:
All Wales

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