Use of IVF Technology for rapid gain in the genetic potential of block calving herds in Wales

Moor Farm is an 85-hectare 100 cow Holstein Friesian spring block calving dairy farm together with 80 replacement heifers and an emphasis on breeding high genetic merit cows and utilising as much grass in the diet as possible. The herd is currently averaging 7,500 litres/cow with 4.6% Butterfat and 3.67% Protein equating to 620kg of milk solids/cow. The current somatic cell counts (SCC) sit at 100,000 cells/ml.

As many dairy herds in Wales have transitioned to either a spring block or an autumn block calving pattern to optimise milk contracts along with maximising grass and forage utilisation, fertility of the herd has become increasingly important in order to maintain a tight 6-12 week block depending on the type of cow and system they operate. 

Over the past few years Rhys, alongside with his parents Dei and Heulwen Davies, have been undertaking genomic testing in their youngstock to estimate their genetic potential and to drive informed breeding decisions for their herd.

This project will involve selecting five elite R2 13-14 month-old heifer donors in terms of protein %, fertility %, SCC % and maintenance traits on genomic results, also evaluating the family history of the heifers/dams. A 1st calved cow will also be selected at Moor Farm as she is in the top 200 UK AHDB PLI ranking in April 2024.

These six animals will be subject to oocyte collection by Transvaginal Oocyte Recovery (Figure 1) in mid May 2024, which will be fertilised with semen and remain in a petri dish for 7 days, and then frozen as embryos until implantation date.

Figure 1: Method for Transvaginal Oocyte Recovery 

Recipient selection will be as important as donor selection, these will be lower genetic merit/genomic result R2 heifers at Moor Farm, which are healthy, well grown and of a good body condition score. Twenty potential recipients will be scanned and checked beforehand by the vet involved and then programmed for synchronisation on a 10-day PRID and Estrumate protocol starting on the 15th June 2024.

On the 22nd of June 2024, heifers will be implanted with the frozen IVF embryos and donor heifers will be observed and inseminated when on heat alongside a cohort group subject to standard AI management. Both groups of heifers will be scanned for pregnancy on the 9th ofSeptember 2024.

Through driving further improvement in efficiency in these key business areas, the project will also contribute to the Sustainable Land Management outcomes including:

  • High animal health and welfare
  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions