• Step 1 - Before employee starts:

    Send the employee useful information about your organisation. Decide who will meet employee on day 1 and prepare workspace, passwords, clocking-in card, etc. Consider appointing a mentor or buddy.
  • Step 2 - First day:

    Don't make day 1 overwhelming with too much information. Tour offices / locations and introduce to key managers and colleagues. Cover health and safety requirements.
  • Step 3 - First week:

    Provide  detailed information about the organisation, how it works, values, facilities. Explain performance management processes and initial training requirements.
  • Step 4 - First month:

    Check regularly that employee is settling in and if further training or coaching is needed. Give feedback on their performance to date.
  • Step 5 - 3 months:

    Check employee's performance - successes and areas for improvement. Agree any additional support needs / training, etc.
  • Step 6 - 6 months:

    Decide if employee has successfully completed probation or next steps. Share probation assessment and agree goals for next 6 months.
