Offender Employability

Welsh Government, working with HMPPS Wales, provides prisoners in Wales with high quality education and training with a focus on employability and increasing an individual's opportunities of finding sustainable employment on release.

Your business can benefit from the skills these individuals have acquired throughout their lives, as well as whilst in prison.  If you have specific skills needs then please speak to your Business Wale Adviser about the potential for developing the skills base within the prison population.

Have you ever considered employing an ex-offender?

Current statistics show that a small minority of prisoners gain employment within a year of being released, even though they're eligible and suitably skilled to fill various vacancies that employers are struggling to fill. Many employers however are starting to recognise the benefits that employing an ex-offender can bring to their company.

By employing an ex-offender you could reduce your recruitment costs, increase your staff retention, reduce your staff absence, and resolve your skills shortages whilst making a real difference.

By employing ex-offenders, you and your business will be joining innovative companies and organisations such as Timpsons and Halfords, and encouraging and supporting others to do the same.

The Ministry of Justice has a wealth of information for businesses about the benefits of employing ex-offenders.

Further advice, guidance and support for companies who are considering employing an ex-offender can be found through Business in the Community.

If you would like to realise the benefits that employing an ex-offender will bring to your business, please contact the Wales New Futures Network.

Find out more

If you would like to learn more about how we can help you to recruit excellent candidates to grow your business please contact New Futures Network or email