Please be aware that the following websites are not owned by Big Ideas Wales and content may only be available in English. For privacy information please view the privacy policies on the individual websites.
Big Ideas Wales is a Welsh Government funded programme to develop and nurture self-sufficient, entrepreneurial young people in all communities across Wales aged 5-25, who will contribute positively to economic and social success. |
Business Wales is a free service that provides impartial, independent support and advice to people starting, running and growing a business in Wales, Big Ideas Wales is part of the Business Wales family providing advice and support to young people aged under 25 who are exploring business start up/ progressing into business growth. |
Be The Spark is a movement to stimulate and engage everyone in the Welsh ecosystem to drive innovation driven entrepreneurship across the country |
Careers Wales provide free and impartial career information, advice and guidance services for young people, adults, parents, employers and professionals in Wales. Business in the Community support young people bridging the gap between the classroom and the world of work. |
The Development Bank of Wales was set up by the Welsh Government to support the economy of Wales by making it easier for businesses including young entrepreneurs to access the finance needed to start up, strengthen and grow. |
Entrepreneurship Champions Further and Higher Education Wales | Entrepreneurship Champions deliver a range of competitions and experiences for students throughout the academic year supporting and driving forward Youth Entrepreneurship in Wales. |
The Princes Trust empower young people in Wales to progress into jobs, education and training. They work with 18 to 30-year-olds to turn big ideas into a business reality through their Enterprise programme; through mentoring, training and supporting with funding and resources. |
UnLtd's mission is to reach out and unleash the energies of people who can transform the world in which they live. Through their competitive Awards Programme they offer support for Social Entrepreneurs of all ages at various stages of their journey. |
Urdd Gobaith Cymru's aim is to provide the opportunity, through the medium of Welsh, for the children and young people in Wales to become fully rounded individuals, developing personal and social skills that will enable them to make a positive contribution to the community. The URDD, in partnership with Menter a Busnes, host a Business Innovator Competition for 16-25 year olds. |
The Wales Cooperative Centre works towards creating a better, fairer, more co-operative Wales. They are a national agency supporting community regeneration, economic development and social justice through co-operative solutions, which will benefit young people in Wales. Their Social Business Wales Awards is an opportunity to celebrate the success and achievements of social enterprises in Wales. |
Young Enterprise make the connection between school and the world of work, enabling young people to develop the knowledge and attitudes they need to succeed. Their programmes include; the Fiver Challenge for Primary schools, the Tenner Challenge and Company Programme for secondary education, and the Start-Up programme for Further Education colleges, Training providers and Higher Education. |
Micro-Tyco is a month-long enterprise challenge from WildHearts Group that enables participants to practice and learn fundamental business principles in a safe, 'micro' environment. Teams from schools, universities or businesses have one month to turn £1 seed capital into as much money as possible. |
World Skills is the global hub for skills excellence and development. Their BeChangeMaker project is an online social entrepreneurial skill training project that enables youth with skills and great ideas to explore their career potential as a social entrepreneur. Their Skills Competitions showcase and inspire excellence and introduce youth to a variety of different skills. |
WJEC is an examination board, providing qualifications and exam assessment to schools and colleges. The Welsh Baccalaureate Qualification is based on a Skills Challenge Certificate, aiming to enable learners to develop and demonstrate an understanding of and proficiency in essential and employability skills. |
The Wales Federation of Young Farmers Clubs are a voluntary youth organisation for people aged 10-25, operating bilingually throughout rural Wales. They support young people to become successful farmers, confident individuals, effective contributors and explore diversification through Youth Entrepreneurship. |
BeTheSpark is a movement to stimulate and engage everyone in the Welsh ecosystem to drive innovation driven entrepreneurship across the whole country. |
Business in the Community is a business-led, issue-focused charity. The Business Class initiative creates effective and mutually beneficial school business partnerships. |
Chwarae Teg works to help ensure that women in Wales can enter the workplace, develop their skills and build rewarding careers. They work closely with young people and youth organisations through their gender-awareness programme. Fair Foundations, helps educators understand gender from a child development perspective. |
The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) is a UK business organisation representing small and medium-sized businesses.They have a particular interest in support available for young business people in Wales. The FSB Start Up Business Advice line is manned by specialist business advisors who will guide you in taking your first steps in setting up your own business and then remain on hand to answer your questions within your first few months of trading. |
IPSE are there for independent professionals no matter how or where they work. You can download their guide to freelancing here. (you will have to sign up to get access) |
Menter a Busnes is an independent company that helps individuals, businesses and organisations in Wales contribute towards developing the economy through entrepreneurship awareness, business start-up and business growth support. Current projects include specialised support in rural, farming and food/drink. |
WCVA support infrastructure for the whole of the third sector in Wales. Their goal is a future where the third sector and volunteering thrive across Wales, improving wellbeing for all. They offer support, advice and opportunities for young volunteers, with a Youth Volunteering Advisor in every county. |
Youth Cymru is a national youth work charity. Their Big Music Project, aimed at 14-25 year olds with a passion for music and the creativity, helps to provide opportunities, develop skills and kickstart a career in the music and creative industry. |
Young Wales offers participation opportunities for children and young people. They are about listening to youth and empowering their voice. |
Carnegie UK Trust seek to improve the lives and wellbeing of people throughout the UK. Build your own Test Town - Supporting and enabling towns and districts to have a go at running their own TestTown events, which enables young people an opportunity to run their own pop-up shop and test their enterprise activity. |
Our ‘role models’ are real business people with interesting, inspiring stories that capture the imagination of young people and communicate honestly the realism of being their own boss. They pass on their passion for creativity and success and help young people think positively about their own future.
Role models are required to prepare an Inspirational Workshop which they will deliver to young people, typically aged between 13-24 years old, at scheduled events and classes within an educational or community setting. These workshops usually last for about one hour, are a mixture of story telling and activities, and are delivered on site at schools, colleges and universities which will be organised via the regional coordinators.
Read through the profiles to give you a flavour of the wide range of business owners currently within the Role Model network.
A team of dedicated staff provide the coordination and preparation for role model visits in schools, colleges and universities.