Thousands of farmers and foresters have now registered for the new Farming Connect Programme, which is funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and the Welsh Government, and which was launched last autumn.

 “With eligibility now broadened and an enhanced range of services available, it’s important to ensure that your business is entitled to the full range of support available,” says Eirwen Williams, director of rural programmes with Menter a Busnes which delivers the service on behalf of Welsh Government.

“Our regional teams will be out in force at many marts and Farming Connect events this spring, when any farmers and foresters who have not yet registered will be encouraged to sign up.

“It’s important to remember that although you may have registered for the previous Farming Connect programme, if you haven’t registered since last October, you will not be entitled to take advantage of all that’s now available,” added Mrs. Williams.

Over 600 farmers have also completed online ‘personal development plans’ or a PDP, which entitles them to benefit from the numerous opportunities available through Farming Connect’s new inter-active skills and mentoring package.  This includes eligibility for a fully funded e.learning element, which is expected to attract significant interest from those in the industry keen to develop new business or technical skills in their own time and at their own pace.

“It’s important to remember that once you complete an online PDP, you will be ready to plan both your personal and business objectives, both short and longer term and to embark on a programme of continual professional development which will enable you to build or develop new skills and competencies,” said Kevin Thomas, director of Lantra Wales, which delivers the subsidised training element of the new skills and mentoring programme.

Farming Connect will be holding a series of IT Support / PDP Workshops in conjunction with the network of approved training providers for anyone who requires assistance completing their PDP. However, to benefit from these workshops you must be registered with Farming Connect and receive your log in account details to access the PDP before attending. Information on workshop dates and locations is available at on our PDP webpage. 

The next application window to apply for funding for Farming Connect subsidised training courses will be available from 1 April to 29 April 2016, and the following window will open from 1 June to 30 June. Registering with Farming Connect and completing a Personal Development Plan is necessary before submitting an application form.  Applicants are encouraged to do both  well in advance of the application window.

The focus of the new Farming Connect programme is to provide support which will enable farmers and foresters develop as individuals, which in turn will have a significant impact on the efficiency of your business. 

“Completing your PDP will ensure that you record all your qualifications and up skilling activities and that you are able to focus on the areas which will have most impact on the efficiency and profitability of your business,” said Mr. Thomas. 

For further information on Farming Connect services and events or to register or re-register for the new programme, browse the webiste or call the Farming Connect Service Centre.

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