Are you eager to learn and to adopt the most up to date lameness management techniques to improve cow wellbeing, performance and increase profitability?


Join us at a unique 2 day event during which we will;

  • Develop an in-depth understanding of how and why cows go lame
  • Identify lameness identification protocols that are most appropriate and practical for your management system
  • Develop best practice, evidence-based treatment protocols for when cows do go lame
  • Discuss how to identify and manage the key risk factors for lameness on your farm
  • Assist you in preparing a detailed lameness management plan for your farm to:
    • Directly improve cow welfare and longevity.
    • Improve profitability of the herd from reducing the impact of lameness on yield, fertility and overall cow health.
    • Monitor and measure lameness issues on farm and react in the appropriate way.


The application window for the Wales Master Lameness has closed.


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