This online masters level module will look at the principles of livestock nutrition in a broad context, covering evaluation of feeds as well as the principles of metabolism and nutritional requires of the animal. We will explore the of the role of mineral and vitamins in livestock nutrition; and some of the latest research in these areas. The aim is to be able to apply this knowledge when formulating rations.

Module Content:

  • Comparative digestive physiology
  • Fundamentals of energy metabolism
  • Amino acid biochemistry and metabolism
  • Roles and functions of minerals and vitamins
  • Dietary analysis and evaluation
  • Ration formulation and evaluation
  • Design of animal nutrition experiments
  • Nutrient digestion and metabolism
  • Modulating alimentary microbial populations and their ecology
  • Plant-microbe interactions
  • Nutrition and modifying the characteristics of meat and milk
  • Reducing environmental impacts through nutrition

Learning Outcomes:

On successful completion of this module students should be able to:

  • Discuss the principles of energy and nutrient metabolism in farm and companion animals and evaluate the consequences of excess or deficiency of key nutrients.
  • Discuss key laboratory and animal tests used in ration evaluation.
  • Formulate rations for different categories of animals.
  • Discuss and critically evaluate current issues in livestock nutrition and the research addressing these.
  • Discuss the ecology of the gut and the methods used to modify this.
  • Critically evaluate the methods used to modify the characteristics of animal products.

This module is at CQFW Level 7


The following Training Providers are available to deliver this course:

Starts each January and runs for 13 weeks

Aberystwyth University – IBERS

Contact name:
Martine Spittle


Telephone number:
01970 621562


Email address:


Website address:


Postal address:
Gogerddan Campus, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion  SY23 3EE


Area covered:
All Wales

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