Consolidate your business
Building a successful business is a significant achievement. Gaining accreditation is a great way to consolidate your business and recognise your achievements.
It will also ensure that you maintain your momentum.
Benefits of accrediting your business
Research has shown that accredited businesses:
- have greater sustainability
- are more profitable
- gain a competitive edge
- manage change better
Healthy Working Wales: The Corporate Health Standard & The Small Workplace Health Award
An initiative for employers to improve the health of the workforce and their organisation.
Businesses are able to access support and advice to develop health, well-being and safety initiatives in the workplace, through the Corporate Health Standard (CHS) and ‘Small Workplace Health Award’ (SWHA).
The CHS is awarded to businesses that employ more than 50 people; the SWHA is for smaller workplaces employing fewer than 50 people.
The awards programme aims to improve health and well-being at work, reduce the impact of ill health at work and encourage early intervention to rehabilitate those who have become ill or injured, through working with employers This also helps to increase organisational performance and productivity.
The awards are presented to public, private and third sector organisations implementing practices to promote the health and well-being of their employees. The free service is delivered by Public Health Wales.
Like other workplace quality initiatives, it is a progressive programme and organisations are reassessed every three years. The work to achieve the standard is consistent with the business excellence model, which drives quality and organisational development in many organisations.
Your business/organisation will be assessed for the Awards by a small panel of independent assessors.
Click here to read more about Healthy Working Wales
Healthy Working Wales website.
Cynnal Cymru/Sustain Wales
Cynnal Cymru – Sustain Wales is a member based organisation for Sustainable Development in Wales that offers annual Sustainable Academy Awards. The Awards recognise amazing people, projects and initiatives that are contributing towards the seven National Well-being Goals and the five Ways of Working described in the Well-being of Future Generations Act
Investors in People #make work better
Investors in People, the standard for people management, provides businesses with a framework to identify good practice and to make improvements. It uses a flexible approach to assess how businesses engage and involve people in achieving their ambitions.
Investors in People has been assessing organisations for 28 years and can be found in over 75 countries. Accreditation lasts three years or for businesses with up to 50 employees there is the option of a one year accreditation.
Click here to read more about Investors in People