Wales Union Learning Fund (WULF)

Under the programme, Trade Unions can bid to deliver three year training projects focussed on improving the learning and skills of their members.

The main focus of the programme is to allow Trade Unions to develop the essential skills and employability of the workforce, with a particular emphasis on removing barriers for traditional non-learners.


How it works

Training projects delivered through the programme are designed to work in partnership with you, so you can support and underpin workplace development, learning and skills.

By working with Trade Unions on developing learning and skills, you'll be able to:

  • Encourage wider participation in training
  • Support bespoke workplace training
  • Provide a best practice approach to address essential skills like literacy, numeracy and IT
  • Reduce drop-outs through the provision of additional learner support by Union Learning Representatives

Who is eligible?

Any certificated Trade Unions with members based in Wales, whether or not it is affiliated to the Trade Unions Congress, is eligible to apply for WULF funding. Applications will be particularly welcomed from Trade Unions working in partnership with others, such as; employers, education and training providers, Local Authorities, voluntary and/or community-based organisation.


What's in it for your business?

By taking part in this programme you will be able to upskill your workforce, as well as helping support the the Welsh Government’s Young Person’s Guarantee by providing opportunities for employees who are under the age of 24, and a member of a trade union, to develop their skills.


What to do next

To find out if you're eligible for support from the Wales Union Learning Fund, contact your union representative, regional organiser or union official.

Or for more information, contact the Welsh TUC:

02920 347 010

Wales TUC Cymru