Livestock E-learning Courses
- Abortion in Cattle
- Abortion in Ewes
- African Swine Fever
- An Introduction To Feeding The Suckler Cow
- Anthelmintic Resistance on Sheep Farms
- Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)
- Avian Influenza (AI) ‘Bird Flu’
- Bee Keeping – An Introduction
- Beef Breeding and Genetics
- Beef Herd Fertility
- Biosecurity for Pig Smallholders
- Blowfly Strike (Cutaneous myiasis, maggots)
- Bluetongue in Cattle and Sheep
- Body Condition Scoring - cattle
- Body Condition Scoring - Sheep
- Bovine TB
- Breeding Sheep for Parasite Resistance
- Buying a Performance Recorded Hill Ram
- Calf Housing
- Calf Scours
- Castration of Calves
- Mandatory Unit: Cattle Lameness
- Climate Change and Livestock
- Colostrum and Calves
- Controlling Bovine Viral Diarrhoea
- Common Nutritional Disorders of Dairy Cows
- Creating a Breeding Programme for the Sheep Flock
- Designing Buildings for Livestock
- Disbudding Calves
- Estimated Breeding Values
- Ewe Nutrition
- Eye Conditions in Cattle
- Eye Diseases in Sheep
- Sustainable Farming – Biosecurity (Livestock and Arable)
- Farm Liverfluke management
- Farm Safety – Working Safely with Livestock
- Feed Efficiency
- Genetic Improvement in Livestock
- Genomics
- Grazing Livestock on Fodder Beet
- Hydatid Disease in Sheep
- Iceburg Diseases in Sheep - Border Disease
- Iceburg Diseases in Sheep – Maedi Visna (MV) and Caseous Lymphadenitis (CLA)
- Iceburg Diseases in Sheep - Ovine Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma (OPA)
- Injurious Pecking in Laying Hens
- Johne's Disease in Cattle
- Johne's Disease in Sheep
- Lambing - Docking, Fostering and Castration
- Lambing Problems
- Lambing Survival
- Lambing – The Basics
- Liver Fluke Control in Sheep
- Liver Fluke in Cattle
- Livestock Building Improvement
- Managing Poultry Manure
- Mandatory Unit: Artificial Insemination (AI) in Cattle
- Mastitis in Cattle
- Nematode Infestations in Sheep – Parasitic Gastroenteritis (PGE)
- Nervous Diseases in Sheep
- PGE and Lungworm in Cattle
- Piglet Survival
- Poultry Parasites
- Poultry Vaccination
- Ram Health
- Respiratory Disease in Cattle
- Respiratory Disease in Poultry
- Respiratory Disease in Sheep
- Schmallenberg Virus (SBV)
- Seasonal Reproduction in Ewes
- Selective Dry Cow Therapy (SDCT)
- Sheep Lameness
- Sheep Scab
- Skin Conditions in Cattle – Cattle Ectoparasites
- Sustainable Farming – Animal Health Improvement Cycle
- Sustainable Farming – Animal Welfare
- Sustainable Farming - Antibiotic Resistance
- Sustainable Farming – Biosecurity (Livestock and Arable)
- Sustainable Farming – The Benefits of Using Rare and Native Breeds *NEW MODULE*
- Sustainable Farming - Sustainable Use of Anthelmintics
- Trace Elements in Cattle
- Trace Elements in Sheep
- Worms in Pigs