Practical ways of implementing sustainable practices within your business for the benefit of the wider community

Definitions for the term sustainability vary from source to source, but usually refer to three dimensions which are; environmental, economic and social. Peter’s Food Service Ltd. in partnership with Fare Share Cymru are addressing these dimensions with great effect.

According to Fare Share Cymru, in Wales circa 400,000 tonnes of food are wasted each year. If only 1% of that is edible, it is enough to contribute to over 9 million meals. 

Dafydd Davies, Safety, Health, Environmental & Training Manager for Peter’s Food Service Ltd. was well aware of the need to implement a strategy to address waste and is proud of the partnership that’s been developed between Peter’s food Service and FareShare Cymru.

Dafydd Davies says:

“As a food manufacturer, we are constantly looking at ways of operating in a more sustainable way. Corporate responsibility in terms of food waste and the impact it has on the planet has high priority. Working with FareShare Cymru enables us to donate surplus stock and distribute it to a wide network of community groups and charities.”

Established in 2010, FareShare Cymru uses quality, and in date surplus food which would otherwise have gone to waste, and turn an environmental problem into a social solution. 

Dafydd continues:

“We’ve been working with FareShare Cymru since April 2023. Rather than send limited shelf life food to waste, this is a further avenue available to us to now donate.”

Carmai Chung, Regional Food Sourcing Lead for Fareshare Cymru said:

“Fareshare Cymru would like to express our appreciation and gratitude to Peter’s Food Service Ltd for their continued support. Their generous donations have made a positive impact on local communities and charities across Wales. We thoroughly look forward to continuing our partnership to reduce waste and combat hunger.”

Fareshare Cymru in partnership with Peter’s Food Service Ltd. reported the following in their Annual Impact Report 2023:

10 tonnes of food donated

157 Charities helped

23.9k Equivalent Meals

30.9 Tonnes of CO2e saved

Fare Share Cymru’s boast some impressive statistics for 2023 - 24 and they include:

824 tonnes of food redistributed to charities and community groups across Wales, of which 707 tonnes was surplus

175 charities and community groups supported

1,964,242 meals provided to vulnerable people

2186 tonnes of CO2 emissions saved

Dafydd’s participation on the Sustainability Training provided by Food & Drink Skills Wales on behalf of the Welsh Government, has improved his awareness of sustainability issues and how steps, however small they may be - can contribute to longer term solutions.

Another example of sustainability driven change at Peter’s Food Service Ltd. is the recent investment in a more efficient transport fleet.

Dafydd says:

“We are pleased to report that we are fully operational with our trunker/HGV fleet of new vehicles and that plans to finalise purchase and get our smaller LGV vehicles operational for our food service division, are nearly complete. These vehicles are replacements and more fuel efficient with associated technology for maintaining optimum efficiency.”

As a result of new legislation coupled with significant market demand, buyers and consumers increasingly seek out products and brands with positive environmental and social performance. 

Food & Drink Skills Wales regularly delivers free online courses focusing on sustainability, that equips attendees with the knowledge and skill to implement desired changes within their business.

The next cohort of this free training, specifically designed for food and drink companies will commence in January 2025. Find out more today!

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