Economic Appraisal: Welsh Food and Drink sector

The Economic Appraisal provides information on the performance of the Welsh Food and Drink sector, covering turnover, employment, business counts, exports and more, across the key food and drink sub-sectors.    

The infographic below contains a selection of headline figures, illustrating key statistics and other data about the food and drink sector in Wales.

Supply chain infographic 2023

The latest release of the Economic Appraisal of The Welsh Food and Drink sector can be seen below.

Economical Appraisal 2023

Please note that the figures in this report were correct as of the date the report was collated. There may have been minor revisions to some of the figures since this date which are not captured in this report.

For previous releases please see the table below.

The Food and Drink Foundation Sector Definition 

From 2020 we are adopting a new “Food and Drink Foundation Sector” definition, to replace the previous focus on the Food and Drink Priority Sector. This change reflects Welsh Government’s policy to develop a ‘foundational economy’, alongside allowing the impact of Food and Drink Wales’ policy and support to be more accurately monitored and analysed.

Further details of this change can be seen in our transition document here, which includes a full list of the SIC20075 codes included in both the new foundation sector, and previous priority sector.

Welsh Food and Drink Performance