Route to market

We aim to boost food and drink turnover in Wales by 30% by 2020, and the Welsh Government’s Food Division is here to help, including developing opportunities for producers to supply the public sector through a Procurement Service used by over 70 public sector bodies.


DfT have announced a further relaxation to drivers hours - for all sectors carrying goods by road valid from Monday 23rd March to Tuesday April 21st.

More guidance here


Private Storage Aid (PSA): Dairy and Meat

The European Commission has adopted proposals to provide additional assistance to the dairy and meat industry due to the current pandemic of coronavirus (COVID-19).

Cold Storage Capacity in Wales

This summary report presents an overview of the cold storage capacity in Wales, considering whether there is evidence to support a case for intervention in the market to support local producers and distributors. It focuses on providing interested parties with detailed information on definitions, structure of the market, trends in demand in supply and short term challenges.

Food market

Boosting turnover

A 30% increase in food and drink sector turnover by 2020 is the commitment we’ve given in Towards Sustainable Growth: an Action Plan for the Food and drink industry 2014-20. As part of wider proposals to support the sector, it sets out plans to develop more opportunities for Welsh companies to supply the public sector, a market currently worth £74 million. Spending with Welsh companies, both producers and distributors, accounts for £47.1 million of this total, with fresh food sectors such as milk and meat products making up a high proportion.

A National Procurement Service for Food and Drink

Set up in 2013, the National Procurement Service (NPS) brings together the procurement of common and repetitive spend across the public sector on a 'once for Wales' basis.

Over 5 years, 73 public sector bodies in Wales - including local authorities, the NHS, education bodies, police and fire services and Natural Resources Wales - are committed to use NPS contracts and frameworks. 

NPS is bringing the procurement of food within its scope during 2015 and is developing a food strategy to identify what will be done on a sector-by-sector basis to take this forward.