Poultry and eggs
Chickens are the largest category of poultry raised for meat production, with fewer than 100 producers accounting for 90% of poultry produced in Wales. Value is put at £58.3 million, with the value of egg production being £39.2 million, and we’re working to help producers achieve added value to meet consumer demand.
Egg producers respond to free-range demand
The number of free-range laying flocks in Wales has risen in recent years as producers, with the support of the Welsh Government, have responded to increasing demand. The Animal and Plant Health Agency now estimates (31 August 2014) that there are 350 egg producing holdings with 2.3 million birds, the free-range market accounting for some 89% of the production base.
Looking for added value
Added value poultry is a substantial market that ties in with consumer needs for convenience at an affordable price. In Wales, primary producers of chickens for the table make up a significant proportion of the supply base, but there are only a limited number of producers with the necessary capacity to achieve added value, and the Welsh Government is working with the industry to improve this situation. Total value of output in the poultry and egg sector is £97.5 million – some 6% of gross agricultural output in Wales.
Key Facts - Dairy and Egg Industry in Wales