Location: Online (Google Meet)

Date: 18.02.2025

Time: 9:30am - 12:00pm

Delivered by Arthian Ltd.

Food & Drink Skills Wales are offering a series of online workshops for food and drink manufacturing and processing businesses with a focus on decarbonisation and moving towards net zero. These will be delivered by Arthian Ltd.

Workshop Overview

This workshop will look at heat decarbonisation technologies and will encourage you to consider reviewing and implementing procedures for energy efficiency, servicing your equipment and how to implement preventative maintenance.

Topics covered include:

  • Energy Conservation and avoiding wasteful practice
  • Building Management Systems
  • Boilers and Consumption control
  • Insulation
  • Heat Recovery
  • Electrification of Heat - contributing to the UK Government’s commitment to a decarbonised electricity grid by 2035.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Aware of the importance of moving the Food & Drink sector towards Net Zero Carbon, and how decarbonisation of heating systems can support this.
  • Familiar with a range of heating system decarbonisation actions that could be implemented by your organisation to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions.
  • Aware of the practical applications of different heating system decarbonisation actions and able to outline whether these actions might be feasible to implement within your organisation.
  • Able to communicate to others how heating system decarbonisation actions will support your organisation with its decarbonisation.

The workshops are delivered online and are fully funded for food and drink manufacturing businesses.

They are interactive and allow plenty of discussion for participants to share their own experience through breakout sessions and time to ask the experts questions. 

After attending the workshop, participants can access a free 30 minute one-to-one session with the course tutor.

Join us to find out how you can implement these changes to your business here:

Gweithdai Datgarboneiddio / Decarbonisation Workshops

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