The strategic vision of the Welsh Government is to build a strong and vibrant Welsh food and drink industry with sustainable supply chains that have a global reputation for excellence and having one of the most environmentally and socially responsible supply chains in the world.

This ambition reflects the urgency and commitment expressed by Welsh Government to tackle climate change and to respond to an increased focus by consumers to purchase products with minimal environmental impact and ethically produced from sustainable supply chains.

It seems likely that in the long run, those retailers and manufacturers who can demonstrate business responsibility through sustainable improvements that prioritise environmental, social, health and quality values will be most favoured by consumers. The Welsh Government is supporting the sustainable journey for responsible businesses within the food and drink industry in Wales.

This will be supported through a number of existing and new sustainability initiatives that are summarised here: supporting sustainable business

B-Corp accreditation grant

B-Corp is considered as an international gold standard for sustainability. This initiative will reimburse up to 100% of fees for the first year. Applications are open now for accreditation obtained between October 2021 and March 2023. For a copy of the application, please contact

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