Mark Roche
Mark Roche
Dragon Leather Products
Manufacturing business specialising in leather goods
Advanced materials and manufacturing

I went to Neath Grammar School but left school early and went to do an Engineering Apprenticeship. I worked a few years in the trade, whilst also playing in a band. I did this for 12 years and had a few number ones, but never made it in the UK. I set up Dragon Leather Products which I continue to own to this day.

If you’ve got a good idea and believe in it – go for it. You’ve got to be prepared to do all the hard work as well because it’s not easy, but the rewards are worth it.

Mark Roche - Dragon Leather Products  

The business is a manufacturing business specialising in leather goods. I started off selling Golf products as Golf was my hobby and it’s sort of adjusted now to sell hotel products which is the mainstay of the business now.

We supply to hotels across the UK and also send supplies to the South of France, the Swiss Alps and America. The golf products are sold across the world, so the market has expanded from Wales.

I enjoy the freedom and the flexibility and there are many challenges however, such as learning new skills and also chasing money. 
